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Become one of us

We have always believed that a clear focus on intellectual property and emphasis on the quality and depth is the way forward.

01 .

Send us your CV and your cover letter

Explain in your letter why you think you are the right
candidate for this position.

02 .

Solve a task

Make sure that when solving a task you follow the below guidelines which, we think reflect our internal philosophy of written communication and, we believe can be of some help for professional writing in general

  • Answer in a clear and explicit manner
  • Analyze questions and collect exhaustive case-law and literature before you start
  • Prepare a brief outline; this will be evident in your final paper
  • Exclude topics which, though demonstrate your general knowledge, are unrelated to the problem. Think what you shouldn’t write about
  • Write interestingly, in a clear and simple language. Don’t use either Latin or jargon unless necessary. Don’t quote provisions unless you really have to (e.g. in order to discuss discrepancies in interpretations). Don’t use embellishments and sophisticated figures of speech.
  • Never disregard any ideas crucial for task solution.
  • In problematic issues describe possible solutions and arguments in support of them. Indicate the version you are inclined to support and explain why.
  • Write, and then correct. Then correct again. Then finally check and correct.
  • Don’t ruin the overall effect with linguistic, orthographic or spelling mistakes.
  • Write clearly and explicitly; if some principle renders it difficult or impossible, this one prevails.

We believe that timely action is a most valued aspect of a lawyer’s work. Remember to send your task back within a given deadline.

03 .

Meet us for an interview

Job offers

How to
make a career in IP?

If you consider a career in IP, there is a number of options to choose from. IP is the environment where legal advisors, advocates and patent attorneys share knowledge and experience to protect ideas. The distinctive character of this branch of law requires a unique combination of skills. Thus, striving for the very best for the clients, lawyers have to work closely together and frequently consult professionals in other fields to cover the full intellectual property spectrum.

Planning a career
in IP?

If you are determined to make a career in IP and driven by curiosity to explore this branch of law, you can already start at a university. International Trademark Association (INTA) offers membership for students planning a career in IP with broad networking opportunities with IP professionals, interesting career development opportunities and access to useful resources.

For further details click here.

Patent Attorney
— why not?

If you’ve already decided that the world of IP is where you would like to add value, you can choose to become either a legal advisor, an advocate or a patent attorney. While legal advisors and advocates choose to narrow down the scope of their interest to IP matters, patent attorneys are professionals qualified exactly in this field.
A patent attorney provides legal aid in industrial property cases on behalf of legal and natural bodies and organizational units representing them before the Patent Office, courts, etc. and protecting their interests.

A candidate for a patent attorneys should:

  • be a citizen of Poland
  • have a full capacity to perform acts in law and enjoy full civil rights
  • preferably be a graduate of legal or technical facultie
  • be admitted and accomplish a patent attorney training organized by the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys
  • A three-year training involves a series of classes and lectures on industrial property, unfair competition, copyright, as well as the study of elements of the Civil Procedure Code, the Penal Procedure Code and the Code of Administrative Procedure. In addition to this, a candidate is obliged to complete an internship in the Polish Patent Office and the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw.
  • successfully go through the final examination within six month from which a candidate can apply to be admitted to the bar

For more details see Act on patent Attorneys of 11 April 2001.

If, however you consider a career of a legal advisor or an advocate, click here.

One step further —
becoming a European
patent attorney?

Yet another step towards a perfect career in IP is to become a European patent attorney.
This requires extensive training in European patent law and successfully going through an examination for a European Patent Attorney (EQE) before the European Patent Office (EPO). A European Patent Attorney is entitled to represent applicants before the EPO.

For further details on the examination see this.

Preparation for the EQE is provided by a variety of national bodies, among others, by The Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle (CEIPI) and the European Patent Institute (EPI).

For further details click here or here.