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Who we are

We have always believed that a clear focus on intellectual property and emphasis on the quality and depth is the way forward.

01 .
State of the art

We keep a watchful eye on state-of-the-art IP concepts from the world.

The business of IP is itself an ever-changing and innovative environment. We not only closely follow Polish and European case-law and legislative developments, but look out for „make-law”-cases and cases on the cutting edge of Polish and European IP where a preliminary reference to the court of justice of the European Union or an Enlarged Board of the Supreme Courts of Poland is a possibility from the beginning.

Our partners have been involved in numerous breakthrough cases, which have changed the perception of legal provisions or implemented legal concepts previously known in other jurisdictions in Poland.

Our partners and associates
participate in internal and external
seminars and trainings. We actively
participate in the work of various IP
associations such as: AIPPI, INTA,
and the Polish Chamber of Patent

AIPPI — Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle

INTA — International Trademark Association

LES — Licensing Executives Society

ECTA — European Communities Trade Mark Association

Marques — The Association of European Trade Mark Owners

PTMG — Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group

EPI — Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

Polska Izba Rzeczników Patentowych

02 .

Covering a broad array of IP-related matters allows us to strategically assess every issue

We do more than just litigate cases or evaluate draft contracts. We partner with you to solve the problem from beginning to end. To do this, we involve the breadth of human resources within the firm, trying to tackle the problems in a simple and straightforward manner which makes sense not only legally, but primarily for the commercial side of the business. We see the big picture - the role of an asset within the company, the local and international market implication of decisions, the relationship with competition. All this allows us to think outside the box and provide strategic solutions.

We see ourselves as involved in a long-term relationship with the client, both on the local level as well as internationally.

03 .

A complete and all-round IP practice

If you turn to us with any intellectual property and neighboring issues, you will always have the benefit of a single strategic contact and a team of specialists geared toward your needs. We value and encourage the synergies resulting from the combination of technical, procedural and substantive law skills.

It is further our firm's belief that excellence can only be achieved in an effective and friendly working environment.


Portfolio management

For our clients we ensure cost-effective management of large portfolios of patents and trademarks. Our clients can benefit from our creative filing strategies relevant for what the client and competition intend. Our formalities’ team effectively manages renewals and other aspects of portfolio management.

Part of the global approach to our clients’ cases is monitoring of the general administrative case-law to see how the concepts derived therein apply to the specifics of the client’s IP problem. In prosecution we have been successful in challenging established practices with respect to issues such as sufficient disclosure or application of the problem-solution approach in the inventive step analysis.

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Our clients can benefit from professional advice and representation in all stages of trade mark enforcement proceedings.


It is important to stay creative when doing trademark enforcement. Bearing in mind that no two cases are the same, we apply our experience, knowledge of the procedure and substantive law to develop a tailored strategy.


Timely action is an extremely important consideration in all legal work but it is especially relevant for enforcement work. For our clients we have secured several interim measure awards within a few days from their filing.


Our office is conducting a number of cases based on the provisions of the freshly implemented Enforcement Directive into Polish Law where case law in this area will be established. Our clients can benefit from our understanding of the fact that a business perspective needs to be put on any enforcement action and our awareness of the risk-benefit relationship in any economic venture.


Our clients can draw from our experience in enforcing not only straightforward word or figurative marks, but also marks which pertain to use of a color combination per se or to the trade-dress of the product.

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Patent disputes tend to be highly complex cases where technical, procedural and substantive law skills are required to jointly fall into place in a synchronized and synergistic manner for each case.

Patent infringement in Poland is dealt with by the general civil commercial courts. There is therefore some opportunity for forum shopping in search of competence and/or speed. There is a possibility to seek preliminary injunctions, including ex-parte injunctions. The courts will appoint an expert to advise on the technical aspects of the case. The civil courts have no jurisdiction over validity. There is varying case law with respect to stays pending invalidity actions before the Patent Office.

The case law on doctrine of equivalents is relatively limited in Poland. One partner of the firm has been involved in a highly complex pharmaceutical litigation, where the Court of Appeals has recently confirmed that there is a necessity to interpret claims in Poland and that this interpretation may be extensive, going beyond the literal meaning.

Invalidity cases are tried by the Patent Office and an appeal is available (generally non-suspensive on the execution of the Patent Office decision) to the administrative court. The interrelation between the civil and administrative procedures and the enforceability of the first instance Patent Office decisions create a very complex area where strategic and procedural competence are required to achieve the goals that the proceedings are to achieve.

A patent case has a tendency of turning into a battle of experts; whereas only court appointed expert opinions are considered proof in proceedings, parties should and do employ private experts to provide opinion and sometimes even give testimony. Extensive knowledge of the relevant fields allows us to identify the right persons that could be suggested as court-appointed experts or whom we could employ on our client’s side.

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Pharmaceutical regulatory law

Our pharmaceutical clients also benefit from our understanding of general pharma regulatory law. This is especially important in patent litigation for pharmaceutical products.


Pharmaceutical and life-science work is one of the most sophisticated aspects of our business. The prosecution practice of our firm involves several hundred pending and granted patents under our supervision. We have often challenged the restrictive practices of the Polish Patent Office with respect to enablement and obviousness at the administrative court and have gained excellent experience in this respect. For our clients our litigation team has tackled several complex cases regarding enforcement of active compound, process and composition patents and interrelated invalidity proceedings.

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Product design protection

Our creativity and strategic approach are at their best use in product design cases. This field requires careful co-ordination of unfair competition, design law and trademarks, sometimes also other skills are called for. Only specialization in the field allows to gather sufficient know-how to conduct these complex disputes.


For our clients we have conducted prosecution and litigated numerous cases involving designs of containers for alcoholic beverages, perfume and other products. These are very often borderline cases where the fundamental principles of trade mark law are tested.


We have assisted in some cases and also devised protection strategies for colours or colour combinations per se as applied to the outer appearance of the product.


The European Union is clearly in the avant-garde of design legislation worldwide. The concepts of individual character and the overall impression of the design are slowly being defined in case-law. The lawyers of LDS stay on top of these development and invest their input into them in Poland.

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We provide insight into the realities of the Polish legal system based on many years of representing major brand owners in all anti-counterfeiting procedures.

Polish customs have a good track record of seizing counterfeited and pirated goods not only on the border but also within the country. We are in close touch with the customs administration and their practice as regards:

  • data exchange
  • trainings of customs officers
  • seizures
  • settlement policies
  • links between customs and other procedures
  • the Polish phase of Community wide customs protection schemes
In numerous cases, using the penal way assists best to discourage distributors and break the supply chain. We aim at protection of our clients’ interests by use of their rights in the capacity as the injured party in penal proceedings. We also serve our clients’ interests dealing with the practical aspects of changing the Police’s, prosecutors’ and courts’ approach to counterfeiting.

Where necessary we coordinate supply of evidence in proceedings and exchange information with relevant State officers.

Whenever it is feasible to track participants of the counterfeiting business and they may be held liable financially, it is sensible to employ the civil route. It gives access to injunctive relief, damages and generally broader remedies. We pay attention to any case when middlemen such as auction sites may be effectively discouraged from participation in that business by a court action.

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In many cases it is a sound business solution to acquire exclusive rights or suitable scopes of licenses to patents, designs or brands – rather than to build assets from scratch. Transfer of IP assets must involve a check of the acquired rights and identification of any IP related issues and potential exposures. They should be taken into account from the outset and may have an effect on the whole structure of the transaction. The negotiated concluded agreements should address and secure all relevant aspects of the client’s interests. We also assist clients in IP aspects of larger corporate transactions such as mergers and acquisitions.

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Unfair competition

In the relatively short history of market economy in Poland some basic concepts are yet to be coined, e.g. what are fair practices in business, how likely the average consumer is to be misled or whether the ownership of some IP rights justifies acting in the detriment of competitors. Therefore the position of the client must always be presented in a well-considered manner in order to succeed. We assist clients on various matters such as:

  • protection of business names
  • protection of product configurations
  • protection of commercial secrets
  • unfair advertising charges.

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Our clients can benefit from our experience covering various spheres of copyright law:

  • drafting and negotiating all types of contracts related to development of advertising works
  • advising on copyright related issues in marketing and brand design
  • representing publishers in drafting and negotiating of contracts as well as in contentious cases
  • litigation in a variety of contentious matters.

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Advertising law

We see brand building and IP protection as two faces of the same complex process – creating and defending the rights that businesses may have in their product. We have extensive experience providing full service legal assistance for major network and local advertising agencies. Our clients can also draw from deep and competent legal insight while being attentive to the business needs and realities.

Our clients can benefit from professional advice on all legal issues related to marketing communication:

  • setting a model of cooperation between advertisers and agencies
  • drafting contracts related to various projects from TV commercials’ production to untypical BTL actions
  • acquisition and clearing of IP rights
  • commercialization of images, talent contracts
  • complex agreements with celebrities
  • assessment of conformance of marketing strategies with the law and protected interests of third parties
  • legal aspects of product marking
  • personal data protection
  • providing comprehensive solutions for promotional competitions and lotteries
  • representing clients in all stages of disputes.

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Food and beverage regulations

We serve our clients’ interests with our general legal expertise combined with knowledge of details related to food manufacturing, marking and marketing as well as our experience of working for new brands as well as for brands with a long tradition on the Polish market.

We assist our clients in their creation of new packaging:

  • clearing the new design against earlier rights
  • checking compliance with regulatory laws
  • acquiring or registering rights suitable for protection.

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Plant variety protection

Our law firm is one of the few offices on the Polish market that provides legal advice and professional assistance in obtaining and maintaining exclusive rights to plant varieties. Our services include:

1. comprehensive legal advice and representation of clients in matters related to infringements of exclusive rights to plant varieties at pre-trial and judicial stages, including:

  • legal assessment of infringements and preparation of cease-and-desist letters;
  • participation in negotiations and mediations aimed at an amicable settlement of disputes;
  • representing clients in civil and criminal proceedings.

2. drafting, negotiating and advising on agreements related to plant varieties, including license agreements and agreements on the transfer of exclusive rights;

3. drafting legal opinions and analyzes on matters related to plant varieties;

4. developing working strategies and enforcing exclusive rights to plant varieties;

5. cooperating with customs authorities in the following areas:

  • exchanging data and conducting trainings in which customs officers are presented with rights to plant varieties conferred upon clients, and related issues;
  • representing clients in cases of customs seizures of transports of goods infringing exclusive rights to plant varieties.

We also cooperate with specialists in the field of plant variety registration.

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EP Validations

LDS is your go to address whenever Poland is listed in your B1 publication.

LDS reinterpretation of the role of the modern patent agent creates added value for our clients. Your innovations excite us, and we are a reliable service provider and a trusted partner. You can always get a free estimate for European patent validation, even for last-minute filings.


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European Patent Attorney
[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer
[email protected]


Founding Partner, retired


Trademark and Patent Attorney
[email protected]


[email protected]


Ph.D., Attorney-at-law
[email protected]


European Patent Attorney
[email protected]


Ph.D., European Patent Attorney
[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


Ph.D., Patent Attorney
[email protected]


Patent Attorney
[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


European Patent Attorney
[email protected]


Trademark Attorney
[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


Patent Attorney
[email protected]


Senior Trademark Specialist
[email protected]


Advocate trainee
[email protected]


Attorney-at-law trainee
[email protected]


Patent attorney trainee
[email protected]


Patent attorney trainee
[email protected]


Attorney-at-law trainee
[email protected]


[email protected]


Certified translator
[email protected]


Lead Legal Support
[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]



Lead Validation and Records


Validation and Renewals Specialist


Senior Validation and Renewals Specialist


Senior Validation and Renewals Specialist


Patent and trademark attorney




Validation and Renewals Specialist


Validation and Renewals Specialist


Validation and Renewals Specialist


Validation and Renewals Specialist


Validation and Renewals Specialist


Junior Validation and Renewals Specialist

Marek Łazewski

European Patent Attorney
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Marek specializes in complex patent, trademark and design prosecution and litigation; Marek has particular experience in life-science patent litigation area having been involved in life-cycle management of several highly successful international pharmaceutical products, managing complex interactions between experts, courts and the Polish Patent Office; supervising and conducting prosecution, validity and infringement proceedings in Poland related to patents covering these products.

In addition to the active litigation practice Marek acts as managing partner at LDS, supervising the firm’s practice in trademarks and designs as well as a well-established, process driven and standardized part of the firm’s services that includes validation and portfolio management (renewals, register changes, etc).


  • Warsaw School of Economics (Master’s Degree in International Economics);
  • Warsaw University Law School and Jagiellonian University in Krakow;
  • Postgraduate Degree in Industrial Property Law;
  • Admitted in 1999 (European Patent Attorney from 2004);
  • Studied Management at IESE and INSEAD.

Previously partner at Lazewska & Lazewski.

Activities and membership:

Throughout his career Marek has been an active member of numerous international IP associations, appearing at conferences, serving on committees and doing management work. Marek was:

  • engaged in establishing the Polish branch of LES (Licensing Executives Society),
  • a member of the management board of AIPPI Poland (the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property),
  • involved in forming a local provisional FICPI group (the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys).

He was also involved in the activities of the Polish Patent Attorneys Bar as head of disciplinary prosecutors and currently, Marek serves on the Polish Patent Attorneys Bar supervisory board.

He was the first Polish member of EPLIT – the European Patent Litigators Association, currently a member of EPLIT.

From September 2019 to October 2021 he was the Secretary General of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) in Zurich, which gave him unparalleled access to international policy development in the field of Intellectual Property.

Advised the Polish Ministry of Economy on the legal and economic problems involved in the introduction of the Community Patent in Poland.

Member of the panel of the IPR Enforcement Experts Group organized by DG ENTR to evaluate best practices in IPR enforcement support measures.

Marek is a representative before the Unified Patent Court.

Recommended by:

  • Chambers & Partners Europe & Global Guides – recommended every year since 2011;
  • WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals – recommended every year since 2016;
  • IAM Patent 1000 – The World’s Leading Patent Litigators – recommended every year since 2011;
  • Who’s Who Legal – Trademarks for 2009; The International Who’s Who of Trademark Lawyers 2011; The International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers 2012;
  • Nominated by Who’s Who Legal The International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers Trademarks 2013 and Business Patent Lawyers;
  • The Legal 500: Europe, Middle East & Africa 2013’s editorial;
  • Managing IP: IP Stars.


English, French and Russian


Boxing, horseback riding (showjumping)

Michał Siciarek

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Michał assists clients in the enforcement of IP rights, litigation, as well as in relation to copyright and unfair competition law. He coordinates complex penal, administrative and customs anti-counterfeiting programmes. He advises on advertising & marketing, food law and product marking strategy, licensing and IP-related transactions. Michał has also worked with a number of network and local advertising agencies as well as with marketing departments of major advertisers.

As well as teaching Copyright at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts and the Warsaw Technical University, Michał is a frequent lecturer and contributor at conferences and seminars related to food law, copyrights and advertising, and marketing law.


  • Graduate of Warsaw University Law School;
  • Graduate of Warsaw Catholic University Musicology;
  • Graduated from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Postgraduate Degree in Copyright and Publishing Law;

Previously partner at Łaszczuk & Wspólnicy until co-founding LDS;

Activities and membership:

  • Member of INTA Copyright Committee
  • Member of AIPPI Commercialization Committee

From 2004 to 2008, chair of the Intellectual Property Rights Committee at the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland.

Arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration in Warsaw for audio-visual market disputes.


  • Co-author of The Intellectual Property Review 2nd edition (published in June 2013 – editor Robert L Baechtold), chapter on Poland;
  • Co-author of The Intellectual Property Review 3rd edition (published in June 2014 – editor Robert L Baechtold), chapter on Poland;
  • Co-author of The Intellectual Property Review 4th edition (published in June 2015 – editor Robert L Baechtold), chapter on Poland;

Recommended by:

  • WTR1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals
  • The Legal 500: Europe, Middle East & Africa 2013’s editorial


Fluent English, French and German

Agnieszka Gałązka-Kuszczyk

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Agnieszka started her practice in the field of intellectual property in 2006 and qualified as an attorney-at-law in 2011. She gained her professional experience in the legal department of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies on the Polish OTC market, as well as in the Ministry of Health and the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate.

Agnieszka joined LDS in 2009. She specializes in intellectual property law and combating unfair competition, in particular in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological sectors. She is involved in prosecution cases and litigation proceedings before civil courts and the Polish Patent Office. Agnieszka has represented LDS clients in numerous court disputes concerning innovative medicinal products at various stages of their life cycle.

Agnieszka has co-established numerous standards and good practices, implemented in the organization, in order to achieve consistency, quality control and the effectiveness of services provided. Moreover, the issues related to the social engagement of LDS, in particular, in terms of promoting diversity and inclusion, are in the area of her personal and professional interests.


  • Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw

Activities and membership:

  • Member of the Warsaw Bar Association
  • Member of EPLAW – The European Patent Lawyers Association




Gardening, relaxing with family and friends

Hanna Kinowska

Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Hanna holds a PhD in economics and is an experienced manager and expert with many years of practice on managerial positions in large and medium-sized organisations. She has carried out numerous management improvement projects in particular, in the field of people management, covering employee engagement, achievement of business goals, employment optimisation, employee acquisition and work valuation. Hanna shaped policy and management instruments in a fast-growing organisation – from a start-up to structures of several thousand employees. She managed a project to unify systemic solutions in the field of people management after the merger of two large enterprises.

Author and co-author of numerous publications on management. At the SGH Warsaw School of Economics Hanna teaches management and employee motivation to master’s and postgraduate students.

At LDS Hanna supports innovation in the management and operation of business processes, mainly standardisation, automation and scale-up of repeatable services.


  • Doctoral studies at the Collegium of Business Administration, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
  • Graduate of SGH Warsaw School of Economics
  • Postgraduate Degree at Harvard Leadership Academy

Activities and membership:

  • Secretary-editor of the quarterly “Education of Economists and Managers”
  • Team member and project manager in international and Polish research projects, including those funded by the European Commission


  • Employee well-being and digital work during the covid-19 pandemic (co-author) in „Information”, 2021
  • Does consistency of pay levels, knowledge of principles and perception of the superior affect the assessment of remuneration justice? – Evidence from Poland and Lithuania (co-author) in „Journal of East European Management Studies”, 2021
  • Core features for the design of remuneration systems for sustainable human resource management during the Covid-19 pandemic: Polish companies’ experiences in „Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues”, 2021
  • Employee engagement and remuneration justice in Lithuania and Poland (co-author) in „Business: Theory and Practice”, 2020

Full list of publications: https://scholar.google.pl/citations?user=-o-0sG8AAAAJ&hl=pl&oi=ao


English, German

Sławomira Łazewska

Founding Partner, retired

Practice area and professional experience:

Sławomira specializes in almost every aspect of IP work, including prosecution, litigation (also acting as an expert witness in patent cases) and general transactional work; Experience acquired as an examiner in the chemistry department at the Polish Patent Office and as a patent attorney in the Industrial Chemistry Research Institute in Warsaw; involved in prosecution of both Polish and international patent applications in the area of polymer chemistry and general chemistry; from 1989 until 1995, on Polish Patent Office’s Board of Appeals.


Graduate of Warsaw University;

In 1995 established a partnership which later grew to become one of the leading IP practices in Poland, Łazewska & Łazewski.

Sławomira Łazewska retired from the practice on 12 October 2021.

Krystyna Żurawska

Trademark and Patent Attorney
[email protected]

Head of Trademark Prosecution

Practice area and professional experience:

Krystyna has gained her professional experience with Baker McKenzie Warsaw. She specializes in prosecution and adversarial proceedings for national and EU trademarks, designs and domain arbitration proceedings. Krystyna advises clients in managing the trademark portfolio, trademark and design filing strategies as well as represents clients in oppositions and cancellation actions before EUIPO and the Polish Patent Office. She represents clients in administrative court proceedings. Her practice covers also domain enforcement including .com, eu. and .pl domain names. Her experience relates to various industries including FMCG, pharma, air transportation, financial services and retail chains.


Graduate of the Faculty of Law at SWPS University, Warsaw School of Economics; Postgraduate Degree in Intellectual Property Law at Warsaw University; graduate of patent and trademark attorney bar at the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys in 2011.

Activities and membership:

  • Member of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys
  • Member of ECTA – Krystyna is the Secretary of ECTA Harmonization Committee and a member of the Supervisory Board of ECTA
  • Member of AIPPI – the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
  • Member of INTA – the International Trademark Association

Recommended by:

WTR1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals




Fantasy books, snowboard, baking muffins

Iwona Waglowska

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Iwona Waglowska specializes primarily in a wide spectrum of issues concerning intellectual property law. She provides legal services in matters concerning copyrights and neighbouring rights, trademarks, personal data, industrial designs, unfair competition as well as advertising regulations applicable in promotional activities. The protection of personal rights also represents a significant element of her specialization.

Iwona’s professional experience includes having advised Polish and international companies in various sectors, such as publishing houses, advertising agencies, communication platform providers and producers from the following sectors: cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, oil processing, FMCG, industrial, furniture and automotive. As well as successfully representing clients in a variety of proceedings, both before common courts and administrative tribunals (including the Polish Patent Office), she has also worked for international oil and chemical companies and represented them in criminal proceedings relating to fighting counterfeit products.

Iwona is an author of numerous press articles on intangible property rights.





Marta Sznajder

Ph.D., Attorney-at-law
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Marta holds a PhD in law degree obtained at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration, and attorney-at-law qualifications with ten years of experience in intellectual property. Marta specialises in patent law, combining her legal practice with the knowledge of technical aspects of the cases she is involved in. She represents clients in numerous court proceedings concerning protection of intellectual property rights. She advises on regulatory issues in life sciences (e.g. pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, clinical trials) and telecommunications matters.

Marta has been working with LDS since 2012. Moreover, she gained her professional experience in the IP department of an international law firm.


  • Graduated from the University of Warsaw, the Faculty of Law and Administration
  • Laureate of 11th and 21st editions of the yearly contest organized by the Polish Patent Office in the category of intellectual property papers and won the prizes sponsored by the Minister of Science and Higher Education for her master thesis titled “Patent infringement under the doctrine of equivalents” and for the doctoral thesis entitled “Legal position of prior users and subsequent users in patent law”
  • Graduate of The Center for American Law Studies at the University of Warsaw (co-organized with the University of Florida)
  • Graduate of the School of Intellectual Property at the Center of Intellectual Property Law (“IP Centrum”) in Cracow

Activities and membership:

  • President of the Board of the Licensing Executives Society Poland
  • Member of the European Patent Lawyers Association (EPLAW)
  • Member of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP)
  • Member of AIPPI Standing Committee: Standards and Patents
  • Member of the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Warsaw


  • Monograph entitled “Legal position of prior users and subsequent users in patent law”, Wolters Kluwer, 2024;
  • Co-author of the chapter regarding Poland in the publication „Patent Protection for Second Medical Uses”, 3rd edition, Kluwer Law International, 2024;
  • Co-author of the publication „Prawo własności przemysłowej. Komentarz”/ “Industrial Property Law. A Commentary”, vol. VIII A and B, red. Ł. Żelechowski, C.H. Beck 2022;
  • Co-author of the publication „Postępowanie cywilne w sprawach własności intelektualnej. Komentarz dla pełnomocników procesowych i sędziów” / „Civil proceedings in intellectual property matters. Commentary for legal practitioners and judges”, red. Karolczyk, Wolters Kluwer 2021;
  • Co-author of the chapter regarding Poland in the publication „Patent Protection for Second Medical Uses”, 2nd edition, Kluwer Law International, 2020;
  • “Patent infringement under the doctrine of equivalents” – glossary to the Supreme Court decision of 10.12.2015, V CSK 149/15, “Przegląd Sądowy” no. 6/2017;
  • Co-author of the chapter regarding Poland in the publication „Patent Protection for Second Medical Uses”, wyd. Kluwer Law International, 2016;
  • Article titled “Patent infringement under the doctrine of equivalents – principles of application”, “Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace z Prawa Własności Intelektualnej”, no. 127, 2015;
  • Article titled “Patent infringement under the doctrine of equivalents – comparative analysis”, “Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace z Prawa Własności Intelektualnej”, no. 124, 2014;
  • Co-author of glossary to the decision of the Supreme Court of 6 February 2013, V CZ 165/12, “Orzecznictwo Sądów Polskich” nr 6/2014;
  • Article titled “Patent protection of the computer programs (in practice of US, European and Polish courts)” published in the publication “Directions of Intellectual Property Law Development. Papers of Members and Friends of Intellectual Property Law Students’ Association” released by the Library of the University of Warsaw Law Review in December 2011.


English, Russian


Science fiction, new technologies, IT, brewing craft beers

Izabela Skrzyńska-Majewska

European Patent Attorney
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Izabela specializes in patent prosecution and litigation in the area of chemistry, pharmacy, biotechnology and biochemistry.


Patent and trademark attorney, European patent attorney (EQE 2015);

Graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering (MSc Eng Degree in Industrial Biotechnology); Scholarships at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Sciences in Vienna and the University of Bayreuth; Internship at the University of Konstanz; Basic training course on the European Patent Law, Warszawa 2009 – 2011 CEIPI (Universite de Strasbourg).

Activities and membership:

Member of AIPPI – the Association for the Protection of Industrial Property


English, German

Sebastian Walkiewicz

Ph.D., European Patent Attorney
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Sebastian is Polish and European patent attorney (EQE), as well as EUIPO professional representative.

During his practice in the field of industrial property, Sebastian dealt with various cases including, among others: patent and utility model application drafting, Client representation in prosecution and litigation cases relating to patents and utility models before Polish Patent Office, civil and administrative courts, European Patent Office, as well in cases relating to international patent applications (PCT), prior art and FTO searches, and advising on industrial property matters.

In LDS, Sebastian deals with patent litigation cases, as well as patent applications prosecution in fields of chemistry, pharmacy, biotechnology and mechanics.


  • Graduate of Warsaw University, Faculty of Chemistry (PhD in chemistry, 2004)
  • Postgraduate Degree in Industrial Property Law (2005-2006), Warsaw University, Faculty of Law and Administration
  • Polish patent attorney (2008)
  • Basic course on European Patent Law  (CEIPI Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle, 2009-2011)
  • European Patent attorney (EQE, 2014)

Activities and membership:

Member of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys

Member of the Institute of Professional Representatives  before the European Patent Office (EPI)

Sebastian is a representative before the Unified Patent Court


Walkiewicz, A. Michalska, Krzysztof Maksymiuk; Sensitivity and Selectivity of Polypyrrole Based Ac-amperometric Sensors for Electroinactive Ions – Frequency and Applied Potential Influence; Electroanalysis 2005, 17 (14), 1269 – 1278; https://doi.org/10.1002/elan.200403227

Agata J Michalska, Charles Appaih-Kusi, Lee Yook Heng, Sebastian Walkiewicz, Elizabeth A H Hall; An Experimental Study of Membrane Materials and Inner Contacting Layers for Ion-selective K+ Electrodes with a Stable Response and Good Dynamic Range; Anal. Chem., 2004 Apr 1; 76 (7): 2031-9; https://doi.org/10.1021/ac0353132.

Michalska, S. Walkiewicz, Krzysztof Maksymiuk; Amperometric Ion Sensing Using Polypyrrole Membranes, Electroanalysis 2003,15 (5-6) , 509-517, https://doi.org/10.1002/elan.200390061

Michalska, S. Walkiewicz, K. Maksymiuk; Ion-Sensing with Poly(pyrrole) Based Membranes – Comparison between Amperometric and Potentiometric Operation Mode; Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Methods II, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings, 18 (2001) 42 – 48




Good electronic entertainment – video games, movies, SF/fantasy, metal music, retro computers, archery

Katarzyna Pikora

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Katarzyna specializes in matters concerning protection of trademarks, industrial designs, copyrights, personal rights, plant variety rights. She has successfully represented clients before the intellectual property courts and the Supreme Court, among others in many cases concerning combatting unfair competition (protection of unregistered designations, product packaging, trade secrets, combatting acts of obstruction of market access and dissemination of false information).

She has extensive experience in drafting and negotiating agreements for the transfer of IP rights (e.g. rights to computer games, rights to employee works), licensing of know-how, technologies and patents, contracts for IT services and all kinds of agreements aimed at securing the acquisition of intellectual property rights. She has participated in numerous diligence analyses in the field of IP and IT of companies in the IT, AI, publishing, energy, medical services industries.

Katarzyna is interested in pharmaceutical law. She has advised healthcare entities on contracts for clinical research, dental services, and the use of technology of production of medicinal products.


  • the Faculty of Law and Administration of Warsaw University (2006, diploma with honors)
  • American Law Course at the Center for American Law Studies co-organized by Warsaw University and the University of Florida (2006)
  • British and European Law course at the Centre for European Legal Studies co-organized by Warsaw University and the University of Cambridge (2004-2006)
  • Title of attorney-at-law (2011)
  • Warsaw University of Technology, School of Business, Postgraduate Studies in Pharmacoeconomics, HTA, Marketing and Pharmaceutical Law (2014-2015)

Activities and membership:

  • District Chamber of Attorneys-at-Law in Warsaw
  • ECTA – member of Copyright Committee
  • INTA – member of Geographical Indications Committee




Travelling, design and its history, gardening

Michał Rybarczyk

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Attorney-at-law (since 2019) and Senior Associate of LDS, having practiced intellectual property law since the beginning of his career. Michał has particular focus on contentious matters and enforcement of industrial property rights and suppression of unfair competition. His experience covers advising and representing clients before common and administrative courts, as well as the Polish Patent Office. He has also participated in proceedings before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the European Patent Office (EPO) and the General Court (EU).

Michał’s main areas of practice are patents (especially in the pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors), supplementary protection certificates, trademarks and suppression of unfair competition.

Prior to joining LDS in 2015, Michal gained professional experience during an internship at the Warsaw office of one of leading international law firms and an internship at a litigation-specialized law firm in Miami, Florida (the USA).


Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw (in 2015) . In addition, he spent a year on scholarship at the law faculty of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich (Germany). He is also a graduate of the Center for American Law Studies co-organized by the Levin College of Law – University of Florida and the University of Warsaw (summa cum laude). In 2021 he also graduated from the post-graduate studies “New Technologies Law” organized by the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Activities and membership:

Member of the District Chamber of Attorneys-at-Law in Warsaw. Member of AIPPI – International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property since 2021, including a membership in the Standing Committee on Information Technology and Internet since 2023. He also participates in industry events and conferences of organizations of intellectual property law professionals – including Young EPLAW (European Patent Lawyers Association) congresses and INTA (International Trademark Association) events.


English, German


Cooking, tennis, American football

Adam Kudaj

Ph.D., Patent Attorney
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Adam specializes in conducting product and patent clearance searches. He is also involved in patent prosecution and litigation in the area of chemistry.


Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Łódź University of Technology. In 2009 Adam obtained his PhD degree from the Faculty of Organic Chemistry at Łódź University of Technology.

In April 2017, he passed a qualifying examination and became a patent attorney.



Eliza Stypińska

Patent Attorney
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Eliza specializes in patent prosecution and litigation in the area of mechanics.


Graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology; Faculty of Environmental Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology, major in Environmental Protection Systems – specialty Information Technology and Management in Environmental Protection;

Postgraduate Degree in Industrial Property Law at Warsaw University.

Activities and membership:

Member of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys; professional representative before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO);

Member of AIPPI – Association for the Protection of Industrial Property


English, German


Literature and culture of English-speaking countries, new technologies, Formula 1

Anna Sawicz

[email protected]

Specialization and professional experience:

Anna advises clients on a wide range of intellectual property matters. She specialize in industrial property rights protection, copyright and unfair competition issues.

This includes assisting clients in proceedings before the Polish Patent Office, EUIPO and in litigation before Polish courts for infringement.

Anna has extensive experience in all aspects of brand protection and portfolio management.  Assisting clients in developing and implementing global trademark and design protection and licensing strategies. She also specialize in negotiating and drafting commercial agreements, including license agreements, assignment agreements and coexistence agreements. She gained experience in Polish and international law firms.


Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw

Activities and membership in organizations:

The Warsaw Bar Association




Photography, travel, winemaking

Maciej Smyk

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Maciej specializes in combating infringements of intellectual property rights, and in addition, he participates in the work concerning prosecution proceedings and trademark clearance searches. His professional portfolio also includes opposition and adversarial proceedings before the Polish Patent Office and the EUIPO. Maciej is interested in the protection of copyrights and personal rights of legal persons.


Graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. In 2017 he defended his master thesis titled “The issue of original and derivate musical works” at the Intellectual Property Law Chair of the Jagiellonian University;

In the years 2018-2020 he was a trainee attorney at law at the Warsaw Bar Association. He successfully passed the bar exam in 2021.

He developed his interests related to intangible rights i.a. during the traineeships in the Copyright Department of the Polish Music Publishing House, the Polish Patent Office, as well as many classes and workshops organized at the Jagiellonian University.




Composing music, musical improvisation, literature

Barbara Stencel

European Patent Attorney
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Barbara is Polish and European Patent Attorney. She is a biotechnologist, but willingly deals with matters in other technical fields. She gained experience working in international patent law firms, learning under the supervision of some of the best patent attorneys in Poland. She was responsible for, among other things, preparing, pursuing and prosecuting patent applications until grant – both in the Polish and European procedures, as well as utility model applications.

She advised clients and prepared analyses in patent matters (including risk of infringement, FTO and patentability). She also dealt with litigation matters.

Currently, she specializes in patent prosecution and litigation, in the field of biological sciences (especially pharmacy) and mechanics.


  • Graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, majoring in Industrial Biotechnology (master’s degree in engineering, studies completed with distinction)
  • European Patent Attorney (2023, EQE)
  • Polish Patent Attorney (2023)

Activities and memberships:

  • Member of the Committee for Profession Promotion of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys (PIRP)
  • Member of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi)


English, German


Horse riding, traveling and spending time in nature, animal welfare

Agnieszka Żytowiecka

Trademark Attorney
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Agnieszka assists clients with prosecution of national, international and regional IPRs before local and international authorities for local and foreign clients. She manages instructions for renewals and annuity payments of IPRs before local and international authorities as well as EP validations. She advises on formalities connected with Power of Attorney and authorization issues for Polish and international clients and registrations. She has also worked with recording changes of the IRPs’ data before the relevant authorities.


Graduate of Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania / The Polish Open University Master of Business Administration


Fluent English

Katarzyna Jastrzębska-Białecka

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Katarzyna gained her professional experience working in the Warsaw legal office focused on economic and civil law. She also worked as an assistant of the judge in the Civil Division and Land and Mortgage Division. She underwent a number of practices in regional courts, including the Court of Consumer and Competition Protection in Warsaw and the public prosecutor’s office.

Associated with LDS since 2013. Responsible for the registration of changes in the PTO’s databases. Actively participates in the work of the Extensions of Intellectual Property Rights and Validation of Patents Department. Supports the lawyers and patent attorneys in the current cases.


Advocate at the District Bar Council in Warsaw;

Graduate of law at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw and the Intellectual Property School at the H. Grocjusz Intellectual Property Centre in Kraków.

Activities and membership:

Warsaw Bar Council




Board games, fantasy, cooking

Paulina Mleczak

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Paulina handles intellectual property law, in particular she advises on designs, trademarks, copyright and combating unfair competition. She has participated in due diligence projects in which she was responsible for legal analysis in the field of intellectual property. She has experience in preparing contracts in the field of intellectual property, as well as in providing comprehensive advice in disputes, both during negotiations and at the stage of conducting a matter in a civil court, Polish Patent Office, EUIPO and in the General Court.

She has experience in assisting clients operating in various sectors of the economy, in particular producers of luxury goods, toys, furniture, alcoholic beverages, as well as service providers. She has been involved in many cases related to combating infringement on the Internet.

Paulina won the Prize of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for her master’s thesis “The concept and scope of protection of an unregistered Community design” in the 14th edition of the competition organized by the Polish Patent Office for the best scientific work on intellectual property.


  • Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw (graduated with distinction)
  • Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at the Warsaw University of Technology (graduated with distinction)

Activities and membership:

  • Member of the Warsaw Bar Association



Natalia Łaski

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Before joining LDS team Natalia gained professional experience during a traineeship in Department of Patent Research and Department of Case Law in Polish Patent Office as well as in a Warsaw law firm specialized in the fields of corporate, intellectual property and new technologies law.

Natalia specializes in issues concerning the protection of industrial property rights, especially related to trademarks.


Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Jagiellonian University, defending a thesis “Trademark fair use”. Currently participant of the School of Intellectual Property at the Center of Intellectual Property Law (“IP Centrum”) in Cracow.




Travelling, environmental protection, psychological movies

Magdalena Pyszka

Patent Attorney
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Magdalena is a Polish patent attorney. She conducts patent research, including prior art searches, patentability assessments, and freedom-to-operate analyses using commercial databases. Additionally, she participates in filing proceedings before the Polish Patent Office (UPRP) and the European Patent Office (EPO), preparing applications for inventions and utility models. At LDS Magdalena is also responsible for verifying the descriptions for validations of European patent in the fields of biotechnology, pharmacy and chemistry.


Magdalena is a graduate of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology at the Chemical Faculty of the Gdańsk University of Technology who gained her professional and scientific experience primarily at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University. She specializes in separation techniques, especially chromatography.

She was a participant in many research and development projects. She is also a co-author of international publications and a co-author of the chapter in the book on popular science topics. In addition, she completed an internship at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Universitätsmedizin Rostock in Germany, where she dealt with the development and validation of analytical methods.


Application of 3D-printed scabbard-like sorbent for sample preparation in bioanalysis expanded to 96-wellplate high-throughput format, Anal. Chim. Acta 2019; vol. 1081, s. 1-5.

Bioanalysis of underivatized amino acids in non-invasive exhaled breath condensate samples using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry, J. Chromatogr. A 2018; vol. 1542, s. 72-81.

New 3D-printed sorbent for extraction of steroids from human plasma preceding LC-MS analysis, J. Chromatogr. A 2018; vol. 1545, s. 1-11.


Nowoczesne techniki mikroekstrakcji w analizie farmaceutycznej i biomedycznej, Kierunki rozwoju chemii leków: Księga Jubileuszowa Profesor Marianny Zając, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu, 2017, s. 85-94.

Anna Biłos

Senior Trademark Specialist
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Anna started her work at LDS 10 years ago. Her extensive work experience is a guarantee of high-quality services. Anna’s key responsibilities include providing full support to attorneys at law and patent attorneys in all aspects related to IP, i.e.: administration of the portfolio of industrial property rights, editing and drafting complex documentation, preparation of application forms in the proceedings, support to patent attorneys in the notification proceedings, disputes concerning the violation of intellectual property rights.


Graduated from the faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw.



Daria Dymkowska

Advocate trainee
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Daria specializes in issues concerning the protection of industrial property rights, especially related to trademarks.


Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at University of Warsaw, defending a thesis „Intellectual property rights as an in-kind contribution to capital companies in the Polish legal system”. Participant of the School of Intellectual Property at the Center of Intellectual Property Law („IP Centrum”) in Cracow.

Daria was a President of Intellectual Property Science Club at University of Warsaw. She also graduated with honors from the Civil Section of the Law Clinic at University of Warsaw.




Travelling, true crime literature and podcasts, British cats, the world of nature

Mateusz Andrzejczak

Attorney-at-law trainee
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

At LDS Mateusz is assisting in issues concerning the protection of intellectual property rights, especially related to trademarks and combating trade in counterfeit goods. Mateusz is interested in the protection of personal rights of natural persons.


Graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. In 2023 he defended his master thesis titled “Legal problems related to the commercialization of the image” at the Chair of Commercial Law of the University of Warsaw. Participant of the School of Intellectual Property at the Center of Intellectual Property Law (“IP Centrum”) in Cracow.


English, Spanish


Football, music and dance, history of the 20th century

Wiktor Górzyński

Patent attorney trainee
[email protected]

Specialization and work experience:

Wiktor has gained experience already during his studies through an internship at one of the largest patent law firms in Poland where he worked on patent applications and translations verification in the fields of chemistry and biotechnology.

At the LDS law firm Wiktor is involved in litigation and application matters covering the fields of chemistry, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, and continues to train under the guidance of an experienced team of patent attorneys.


Wiktor graduated with honors in Chemical Technology from the Faculty of Chemistry at the Warsaw University of Technology. He specializes in the broad field of functional polymeric materials for both industrial and medical applications.

In 2023 Wiktor began his training as a patent attorney trainee.




Chess, swimming, literature

Aleksandra Poniatowska

Patent attorney trainee
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Aleksandra is a patent attorney trainee,  who gained experience working in international patent offices where, under the supervision of patent attorneys, she was responsible, among others, for the prosecution of patent applications and the preparation of patentability and FTO analyses.

Aleksandra is currently involved in litigation and application matters covering the fields of chemistry, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.


Graduate of Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, majoring in Biotechnology with a specialisation in Microbioanalysis (graduated with distinction).

In 2022 Aleksandra started her patent attorney training.


English, German

Magda Klimek

Attorney-at-law trainee
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Prior to joining the LDS team, Magda gained her professional experience in a patent law firm. She specialises in issues concerning the protection of industrial property rights, especially trademarks.


Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Łódź. During her studies, she participated in the activities of the Law Clinic and was several times awarded the Rector’s Scholarship for the best students. In 2023 she defended her Master’s thesis – “Similarity of trademarks in the light of CJEU jurisprudence” at the Department of Economic and Commercial Law of the University of Łódź.




hiking, cooking

Weronika Markowska

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Weronika is assisting with issues concerning the protection of industrial property rights, especially related to trademarks.


Currently studying at the Faculty of Law and Administration at University of Warsaw.




Contemporary polish cinema, theatre, hiking

Magdalena Michałkiewicz

Certified translator
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Magdalena has been a Polish into English certified translator and court interpreter since 2013 with vast experience in intellectual property related translation, which she has gained while cooperating with Warsaw law firms. Magdalena is also an experienced legal translation, legal English, business English and ESL teacher.


University of Warsaw, Institute of English Studies, 2007
University of Warsaw, Department of Italian Studies, 2008
Postgraduate diploma in legal translation from Collegium Civitas, 2012


English, Italian, German


Travelling, caravanning, mountain hiking, collecting dresses

Paulina Mielczarek

Lead Legal Support
[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Paulina has gained her experience while working for the Polish as well as international firms. Moreover, for several years Paulina worked for one of the academies in Warsaw. She deals with the administrative support of lawyers and patent attorneys particularly for the Patent Department.


Graduate of Częstochowa University of Technology, the Faculty of Management.

Postgraduate education:

  • Intellectual Property Law at Warsaw University
  • Research & Development Manager at University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin



Anna Laszkiewicz

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Anna has gained her over 20 years professional experience in assistant and administrative field working eighteen years in one of the international law companies in Warsaw and in the companies from telecommunication and pharmaceutical trades.

At LDS Anna supports the team of patent attorneys in administrative work connected with filing Polish and European applications. Her responsibilities include help in preparing documentation, applications and letters to the offices (Polish and European Patent Offices) and monitoring the status of pending issues and deadlines.


Graduate of Centre for Studies in Local Government and Development of the University of Warsaw.


English, Spanish (communicative)


Cats, planes, Spanish, jazz, good movie, theatre

Karolina Krasnodębska

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Karolina has over ten years of professional experience gained in the area of administration, including four years of experience as an administration manager in one of Warsaw’s IP law firms. At LDS Karolina supports the legal team consisting of attorneys-at-law and trainees.


Karolina graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and Political Studies of the University of Warsaw, specialization – administration.




Running, travelling, vegetarian and Middle Eastern cuisine

Aneta Olszewska

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Aneta at LDS handles administrative activities related to support of the legal department. She also works in the area of marketing, taking care of the correct and timely flow of information, documents and contact with clients. She participates in the preparation of proposals and supports work on current projects.

She gained experience as an paralegal in Polish and international firms.


Graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Bialystok, defending her master’s thesis in the Department of Constitutional Law entitled. “The legal and political system of the People’s Republic of China”.




Oil painting, classical music, skiing

Monika Godlewska

[email protected]

Practice area and professional experience:

Monika has extensive experience in administrative work, including several years of experience in the patent department of legal and patent firm in Warsaw. At LDS, she is responsible for supporting the legal team, coordinating documentation, overseeing case management, and carrying out marketing activities.


A graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw, specializing in management.




theatre, board games, non-governmental organizations, contemporary cinematography